Chandigarh Police Constable Syllabus Exam Pattern 2016 :-
Candidate who are apply for Chandigarh Police Constable they can download Chandigarh Police
Constable Syllabus and also check Chandigarh Police Constable exam pattern. written exam will be divided in to 3 parts. first part will be General Knowledge and Current affair second part will be Reasoning and third part will be Numerical Ability. Exam will be in three Language Hindi,English and Punjabi total time Duration will be 1 hour and forty Minutes. All question will be Objective and carry one mark for each correct answer and negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer.
Chandigarh Constable Syllabus 2016
Chandigarh Police Constable Syllabus:-
- General Knowledge and Current affair 50 Marks
- Reasoning 35 Marks
- Numerical Ability 15 Marks