Indian Air Force Y and X group Online Application Form
Indian Air Force Released online application form for Indian Air Force X group and Indian Air Force Y Group candidate check eligibility criteria and apply Online. all details like Age, how to apply Online, qualification given below.
Application Form:- X and Y Group
Age Recruitment:- candidate born before 01/08/1996 and 30/11/1999
For X Group:- Pass 12th with Math,Physics and English subject with 50% marks. or candidate can apply who have 3 Year Polytechnic Diploma with 50% marks.
for Group Y:- Minimum 50 % marks in 12th with any Subjects or Vocation course (2 Year) with minimum 50% marks
Application fee:- No application fee for all candidate.
Important dates:-
Application Start:- November
Last Date for form Submission:- 28/11/2015
Exam Held on 2016 March
Batch Start from April or May 2016
How to Apply:-
Send there form at Given Address:-
President, Central Airmen Selection Board Brar Square
New Delhi Pin Code : 110010
Send Through Ordinary Post Only